Charley Daniels

Creativity With a Purpose

United States

Additional work samples and strategy playbooks available on request.

My goal every day is to make something incredible that over-delivers on results and makes audiences hungry for more.

I'm a veteran writer, editor and producer with more than two decades of experience developing, creating and managing content and content strategies for major brands and large audiences. As a creative, I'm a writer and editor who values clarity and directness and strongly believes that the message can always be simpler and more memorable.

As a creative strategist, I build playbooks for one-off and always-on campaigns, primarily for social media or content marketing projects, in oversight as well as hands-on roles. I have deep experience seeing these types of projects from conception to post-mortem to Season 2 and beyond.

Past and present clients include, Nitro Circus, Whipclip, Demand Media, The Hollywood Reporter, Back Stage magazine, TelevisionWeek.


The Highlights

5 Little Known Supreme Court Rulings That Affect How You Eat And Drink

The Supreme Court handles cases that deal with all avenues of life, and eating and drinking are no exception. The Highest Court is on everyone's mind these days, from the Illuminati-esque death of Justice Antonin Scalia to Justice Clarence Thomas' surprising break from his usual silence...

A Little Bit Better With Keri Glassman

Renowned nutrition expert Keri Glassman came to us with the idea of taking small, easily digestible facts and tips and turning them into a video series for the Livestrong Woman YouTube channel. We immediately saw the potential for using some simple animation to bring those ideas to life. A Little Bit Better was born to viewer and critical acclaim, racking up hundreds of thousands of views. My roles: writer, producer, director.

Nitro Circus
Nitro Circus Live on Twitch: The Micah & Browny Show

The Micah & Browny Show was streamed live on Twitch for about a year, culminating in about 25 episodes of sheer madness. Our hosts were a world apart, and our guests were never in one place either. My role was producer and director, as well as the primary writer for all scripted and marketing content (wrote and voiced all intros). I also built all the scenes for the livestream.

Long-Form Writing

Nitro Circus
On the Anniversary of the FMX Triple Backflip, Landing a Double Is Still Huge

Two years ago today, on April 28, 2015, FMX legend Josh Sheehan landed the World First triple backflip on a motorcycle at Pastranaland in Maryland, cementing his place in action sports history alongside backflipping pioneers like Travis Pastrana. Travis, as you likely know, was the first to land the double backflip, at the X Games in 2006.

The Unfolding Craft Beer Boom In Amish Country

Credit: Daniel Lobo I got hammered in Amish Country. Granted, the headline for this and my experience doing it would have been so much more exciting if I could say that I got hammered with the Amish, maybe having become involved in someone's knock-down, drag-out rumspringa, which is something I know about Amish culture because of TV...
An Honest Cover Letter for the Recently Unemployed

Hello Decision-Makers, I am a human guy in your city who possesses the exact skills everyone is looking for, and I'm very excited to join your ranks -- provided the position offered has immediate upper-management potential and is of the highest pay scale.
5 Things I Learned From Taking Up Soccer (As An Adult)

I woke up one day in my early 30s and, for some reason, felt that I really needed to branch out a little, to stop being so predictable, to try new things. One of the new things that somehow found its way onto my list was playing soccer.


Social, Email & Website Marketing Copy

Homepage header with tagline

StyleRow is a project management app for interior designers. My team wrote new website copy, including a new brand tagline, and redesigned their website experience. My roles: PM, copywriter, CD

Homepage features blade

StyleRow is a project management app for interior designers. My team wrote new website copy, including a new brand tagline, and redesigned their website experience. My roles: PM, copywriter, CD